Sun 26 Jan
🌺🍃🌺 Tropical Islander 🌺🍃🍃 back visiting only for short time! curvy, sexy & attractive! - 23
(Sacramento, Sacramento, CA)
❤💙💞💋💋💔💘 JAw DroPPin 💎💎UPscaLe 💸👸HOTTie👯💅 BeTTer ThAn Her ☝☝And Her👇👇 💞💋💋💘💔 - 22
(Orlando, John young And West Colonial)
*120hh SPECIALS *-.!.-* ToP *-.!.-* NoTcH *-.!.-* PRoViDeR *~\.!./~* 120hh SPECIALS* - 22
(i-drive incalls)
★▂▃▄▅▆▇▉ 19yrs.old ★▂▃▄▅▆▇▉ YOUNG ★★▂▃▄▅▆▇▉ Brand New★▂▃▄▅▆▇▉ Sweet Moans★▂▃▄▅▆▇▉ - 19
(Orlando, Airport area-exotic brunette)
100% S*/- -\*A*/- -\*T*/- -\*I*/- -\*S*/- -\*F*/- -\*A*/- -\*C*/- -\*T*/- -\*I*/- -\*O*/- -\*N*/
~❀ Grand Opening! ~❀ Asian ~❀ White ~❀ Latina ~❀ 5 Hotties to Choose from NO LIKE NO PAY - 20
(Garden Grove, STANTON - 12921 FERN ST DOWNSTAIRS)
ST, PATRICKS DAY BREW ! just 4 ME & YOU. ! pinch ME ! older CAUCASIAN ONLY - 39
(Charlottesville, 29)
Y_O_U_N_G__ V_!_P__ P_L_A_Y_ M_A_T_E__ S_W_E_E_T__ P_E_T_I_T_E__ T_E_N_D_E_R__ T_R_E_A_T! - 21
(Costa Mesa/405 Frwy)
NeW & HoT ((ONE)) OF- A-KiND!! ♥★ 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs 👯 ★❤Mouth 💦👅 Watering💋 Skills💎 - 21
None Compares 2 Me? SuPeR bAD!!1000%Me or Free!! Now!! no games!! - - 20
(Richmond, RICHMOND INCALLS/OUTCALLsurrouding area)
No RuSh ¤1OO% Real PICs ¤ HOTTie 1OO SPecials [[ SeXy ¤ RuSS!aN ]] - 23
(Richmond, Richmond Incall //Outcall)
%%%%%%New Girl%%%%%Deals U Cant Beat%%%% INCALL ONLY @@@ STOP DROOLING and CLICK HERE @@@ - 20
(Richmond, SouthSide)
_*^_*^ Hot GiRL >>> NO Regrets HeRE.. 100 % BEautifUl GuAreTeeD = ) - 22
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤KIMM BUBBLE BUTT ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ A REAL GENTLEMENS CHOICE ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ - 23
(Richmond, WESTEND)
❤In & Outcall Specials 100%Me♦Sexy New Spanish♦ Fetish Friendly♦ Your wish is my command - 25
(Richmond, S O U T H R I C H M O N D & out to you)
I'm Here To Take Good Care Of You ***** Here For A Couple Days! *** Hello - 25
(Glen Allen/ Incalls)
././. HEYY COWBOY. /./. theres a NeW. /./. FILLY in town....... Giddy up FeLLaS n get over here !! - 31
(Richmond, New upscale Caucasion Female)
TRY NEW FACE... Ts MONICA visiting for first time ONLY FOR FEW DAYS ... - 25
(Westchester, WHITE PLAINS / RYE ...)
😍 💝 S€Du¢Tiv€ €X0TI¢ GorGeouS Saigon PlayMates 💝 FB0D¥2B0D¥ §enMASSAGE »P®osT@te/To¥s - 20
Tue 21 Jan
**^** GorGeOuS PetiTE BLonDe ***HOurgLaSS FigURe ***GrEAt REvieWS**^** 125in/225out FLAT raTe **^** - 25
-:¦:- {SeXy}-:¦:- ExOtiC-:¦:- STuNNinG -:¦:- LaTiNa -:¦:- {100% ReAL} -:¦:-24hrs - - 21
Sexy, curvy, ready for you!!! Call Now!!! Lets Get It On!!! Specials!!! - 22
(Kansas City, wherever you want!! lenexa/oletha out)
»-★-» Sexy as Sin »-★-» Cute & Classy ~~ OutcaLL SpeciaLS:) - 20
(Kansas City, your lux hotel or home)
*★*: {SeXy } :* ☆ *: {GoRgEoUs} *★*: {BeAuTiFuL} :* ☆ *:: - 21
SELENA LATINA PERFECTA mi me gustan LATINOS ONLY! 8️⃣1️⃣6️⃣ 8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣ 9️⃣4️⃣9️⃣2️⃣ Estoy Caliente Y %100 REAL - 20
(Kansas City, Kcmo)
***~~~Sensual and Soft With The Maturity To Please and Satisfy~~~*** In Calls Only - 39
(Kansas City, East KC)
RoSeS ArE ReD vIOlEtS ArE BlUe CoMe UnRaP Me AnD sEe WhAt I Do.8O SPECIALS - 23
(Kansas City, My Place or Yours)
SEXY BLUE EYED BLOND READY TO PLEASE 1OO $ Special !! ___ Visiting & Ready To Serve You ___ Avail. 2 - 32
❤★❤★💋 SeXxY @$$ 'n' TiTTie$ !❤❤❤ $PECIAL$ 💋💋 ★★NEW PICS:.•★•$100 .• ❤★❤❤❤☎☎ - 32
(Kansas City, CASINO AREA / NKC)
* * * S A S H A* * * Fantasies with Perfection * * * Reputation for Quality * * * S A S H A * * * - 24
(K A N S A S C II T Y -P L A Z A)
💝💜💛💙💞 Gorgeous Blue Eyed BLONDE. The Ultimate Barbie! OUTCALLS Only!!! NeW YeARs $peCial$!!!💝💜💛💙💞 - 21
(Las Vegas, Outcall only ❤️)
~__ S__E__X __X__Y__~__ S__E__D__ U __C__T__I__ V __E__~__ (ACTIVE DANCER) - 19
(Kansas City, casino area)
★ _____ ::: S_I _M_P_L_Y :::_____ ::T_H_E:: ____ ::: H_O_T_T_E_S_T ::: __ ★ - 22
(I come to you !!! ( outcall only ))
No txt NEW WOMAN NO Fakes NO B.S No Black Men Under 40... 38DD - 99
(k.c.i airport upscale, Kansas City)
💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 NEW ViDeo'S With Date Proof 💋 OUTCALLS ONLY!! Highly Reviewed & ViDeo's 100% ReaL & Safe 💋💋 - 38
(Kansas City, Kansas City,MO-Overland Park,KS Hotels)
NeW NeW UpScAlE C LiEnTelE * SeXy N WeT BlOnDe BuStY PoRnStaR* HoLly MaRiE ~785-580-8126 - 20
➖➖💦 NEW 💛PETiTE BL0NDE 🌎🌏🌍TravelCompainion 💦➖➖ 👉Classy, Lush, & Adventurous🌴 - 23
(Incalls /outcalls 24/7 50 extra for OuTC, Kansas City)
💋💋💋 NEW Pics & Videos Made Today!! 💋 OUTCALLS ONLY!! 💋 Highly Reviewed & ViDeo's 100% ReaL & Safe 💋💋 - 38
(Kansas City, Kansas City,MO-Overland Park,KS Hotels)
New pictures! Gentlemen come have some fun with Honey and /or Jessica 2 girl special - 26
(Kansas City, Kansas city Missouri)
NeW PiCs ★KaYlA FlOwERs ★ Naughty ★ BloNde ★ Fun size ★ Barbie ★ 100 ★ - 19
(Kansas City, Plaza incall and Outcalls)
New! New! New! *sexy, petite, playgirl* I'm exactly what you need ( great rates ) - 23
(Kansas City, in or outcalls)
(NEW NEW NEW)I ⇨★- » AM »-★ » READY » -★-» WHEN »-★- » YOU »-★- »(NEW NEW NEW) - 18
(Kansas City, Kansas city metro)
💋 Naturally born red head a fiery personality to go along with super sexy long legs💋 - 34
(Kansas City, KC metro out call)